French press

4 results displayed

A plunger coffee maker allows you to prepare ground coffee before filtering the mixture and enjoying it immediately.

After pouring the coffee into the bottom of the glass vat, add the boiling water and stir. Place the plunger in the upper position. This ensures that the water doesn't cool down too quickly, and ensures perfect extraction of all the flavours and aromas. The brewing time will last between 3 and 7 minutes, depending on the fineness of the coffee beans. Then simply lower the plunger.

The filter retains the ground coffee for immediate enjoyment.

Coffee and espresso machines

Cast iron French press (light grey)


Coffee and espresso machines

Cast Iron French Press (Dark Grey)


Coffee and espresso machines

Pisa 3-cup piston coffee maker


Coffee and espresso machines

Pisa piston coffee maker 8 cups
